Air India flight attendant suffers injuries after falling off from plane!

Air India flight attendant suffers injuries after falling off from plane!

By : Nive
Oct 15, 2018

A 52-year flight attendant, Harsha Lobo, fell off from one of the air carriers that was heading to Delhi from the Mumbai Airport when she was trying to close the door. It was a Boeing-777 and was getting prepared to board when the incident happened. Ms. Lobo suffered serious injuries and fracture and was soon rushed to the hospital.

“She is conscious and well-oriented but has sustained a compound fracture of right lower leg bones and multiple blunt injuries”, says the country’s national carrier. Investigations are still happening on how the incident took place. It was just last week that an Air India flight hit the nearby wall while taking off to Dubai. Guess the officials will be more cautious keeping in mind the frequent mishaps.




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