Future Disasters That May Kill Us All - Yellowstone Volcano - Celebrity Gossips, Hollywood and Entertainment News!

Future Disasters That May Kill Us All – Yellowstone Volcano

By : Henry
Jan 24, 2020

Let’s face it. Forest fires, Storms, Volcanic eruption and many other natural calamities try knocking down different parts of the world. It is only logical to fear and be cautious about any future disasters that may pose a threat to mankind. The major reason for this upscale and uncertainty is climate change and the degradation of natural resources. The below possible volcanic eruption would be the worst disasters we could end up facing in the near future which more likely could end life on earth,

Yellowstone National Park Volcanic Eruption

Yellowstone National Park is more like a ticking timebomb that tops the chart of supervolcanos around the world. It is 44 miles wide and still active and could blow at any time. Its last big eruption was 630,000 years ago, but as “End Times” author Bryan Walsh wrote in an op-ed in The New York Times, an eruption of this supervolcano “would be like nothing humanity has ever seen“ and be an “ultra-catastrophe” that “could lead to global devastation, even human extinction. …


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