Do you know?
After a heavy sea storm in the year 2019, millions of ‘penis-shaped’ fishes washed ashore on the California beach pushing the watchers in astonishment. The fishes are phallic-looking — worms were left bare on a California beach.
The news was first covered by the Bay Nature publication. Experts said that the subjective fishes are ‘Urechis Caupo’ and they’re not fishes but spoonworms which habitats across the pacific coast of southern Oregon to Baja California. These creatures are marine worms and are called “fat innkeeper worms.” However, colloquially, they are called exactly what they look like: penis fish.
The burrow that Urechis Caupo makes is also useful for catching food, letting them take water in using a mucus “net” and sucking in plankton and other bacteria. It even leaves behind residuals for its guests, hence the “innkeeper” moniker.
This may just be the weirdest thing you've seen today!
Thousands of these marine worms, called fat innkeeper worms—or "penis fish"—washed up on Drake's Beach after a recent storm.
But why?
— Bay Nature magazine (@BayNature) December 11, 2019
Its predators include seals, seagulls, and other fish and sharks.
The caption on the report by the publication informed, “A recent storm in Northern California brought strong waves that washed away several feet of sand from the inter-tidal zone, leaving all these fat innkeeper worms exposed on the surface.”
Interesting or Wired? You name it.