Why Michael Jackson’s statue was taken down? - Celebrity Gossips, Hollywood and Entertainment News!

Why Michael Jackson’s statue was taken down?

By : Caitlin
Mar 9, 2019

This happened on March 7, 2019.

The statue of Michael Jackson was taken down in the National Football Museum, Manchester in England following shocking allegations in the docuseries Leaving Neverland. This happened roughly a week after BBC Radio pulled off MJ’s songs from its list of ‘playable’ songs.

The world receives the two-part series with shock following allegations from Wade Robson James Safechuck that the late King of Pop sexually abused each of them for years when they were children at his lush, beautiful estate of Neverland in California.

The museum had the statue erected in 2014 to honour the great King of pop for his contribution in the field of music and paving the way for pop for generations to come. But following the accusations which involved labeling MJ as the child predator, the museum has decided to bring down the replica.

Hollywood and fans all around the world are split into two not knowing which side’s version to be true. Many actors and personalities came to the rescue of MJ whereas others are in utter shame that one of the gems of the music industry could be so disgusting and disgraceful.

Which side are you on?


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