Kylie Jenner finally dumped Bff Jordyn Woods? - Celebrity Gossips, Hollywood and Entertainment News!

Kylie Jenner finally dumped Bff Jordyn Woods?

By : Gwen
Apr 30, 2019

Kylie Jenner has deleted the banner picture on Twitter yesterday. But, is there anything to conclude? Well. The picture had the reality star with her Bff Jordyn wood. Sigh! In the picture the duo was posing to advertise Kylie’s cosmetics brand. Now the picture has been replaced with Kylie’s picture promoting the new edition of her cosmetics line, Kybrow collection.

However, the picture with Jordyn is deleted nearly after two months after the speculations about Tristan’s cheating on Khloe Kardashian and having affair with Jordyn Woods. Recently, Khloe even invited Tristan for their daughter’s first birthday celebration but maintained a distance from him and it was clear that they aren’t going to reunite though Tristan was interested.



Now the removal of duo picture by Kylie has created waves on the social media that she got over with Jordyn. However, she might as well be promoting her product by replacing the picture as she does always. She still follows Jordyn on social media unlike most of others in the Kardashian clan who unfollowed Jordyn after the cheating scandal.

What do you think? What’s on Kylie’s mind about Jordyn Woods?



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