Gifted: A Math Prodigy in the Making

Gifted: A Math Prodigy in the Making

By : Caitlin
Mar 20, 2025

What comes to your mind when you hear the word, “prodigy?” A little boy working at a science lab, or a cute little girl winning over a chess competition against an adult? Even though you might have seen (or heard about) real-life prodigies, the one in “Gifted” is sure to amaze you beyond limits. Let’s learn more about this special movie filled with love, intelligence, responsibilities, and relationships. 

“Gifted” is a 2017 movie starring Chris Evans and Mckenna Grace playing the lead roles. Grace portrays the role of the gifted, 7-year-old, Mary Adler, the math prodigy, who is taken care of by her maternal uncle, and guardian, Frank. Evans plays the role of Frank in the most serious, mature manner.

The Story

Mary is raised by Frank after his sister dies by suicide, leaving Mary with him. The uncle and niece have a beautiful relationship, and from early on, Frank realizes how intellectually gifted Mary is, just like her mother. But Frank wants Mary to have a normal childhood and life, and sets her up at a local school.

However, Mary, from the very first day, feels that her first grade class is extremely boring. Being a prodigy in math, she finds the simple additions and subtractions too basic and naive. Meanwhile, her class teacher, Bonnie, realizes Mary’s talent in Math, and approaches Frank to talk about it.

Mary’s maternal grandmother and Frank get into a legal battle about who should take care of Mary in the future. Eventually, Mary is taken away from Frank, and placed in foster care. The little girl becomes helpless and devastated because she is unable to stay with Frank.

The End

Mary is finally reunited with Frank (she is placed back in his custody), and she is able to lead a normal childhood by adjusting with her peers at school. But at the same time, she takes up college-level courses, which help her sharpen her intellectual abilities further. 

A Must-Watch!

“Gifted” is a must-watch, so keep it in your list of “to-be-watched” films. Believe us, you will shed both happy and sad tears while watching it. Gifted is not only a fascinating movie but also a journey of pure love and affection between a sweet little girl and her maternal uncle.


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