Priyanka chopra in her headache after bachelorette party

Priyanka chopra in her headache after bachelorette party

By : Sheila
Nov 7, 2018

After the big bash female gathering, Priyanka wound up with an after effect. She posted an image with her sister in law to be Sophie Turner in which they are seen wearing eye covers. PeeCee stated, “The following morning… the J sisters.” Fiance Nick Jonas’ mum Denise answered to the post saying she had a solution for it.

PeeCee’s lone bachelorette party in Amsterdam had cousin Parineeti Chopra other than another lady of the hour to-be Isha Ambani in participation. The slam, which went ahead till late night, left PeeCee depleted.

It is difficult being a lady. Cousin Parineeti hosted shared a photograph from the get-together which captured Nick Jonas eyes. The charming chat including Priyanka among Nick and Parineeti was the cutest thing that happened yesterday.


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