Eminem celebrates 11 years of sobriety - Celebrity Gossips, Hollywood and Entertainment News!

Eminem celebrates 11 years of sobriety

By : Caitlin
Apr 22, 2019

The Rap God took to Twitter to post his 10-year sobriety medallion and posted “11 years- still not afraid.” The medallion is inscribed with the Roman numeral for eleven, “XI,” and the words “Unity,” “Service” and “Recovery”

In 2010, Eminem, who goes by his real name— Marshall Mathers — revealed to the New York Times that he consumed 20 pills a day at the peak of his addiction. “I used to get pills wherever I could, I was just taking anything that anybody was giving to me.”

At his height of addiction, he even had a near-death experience from an accidental overdose back in 2007, which he revealed on his album Revival in 2017.

He overcame Vicodin, Valium, Ambien and Methadone without going to a rehab center. Rehab centers never allowed him to recover because the people at rehab stole his belongings– his hats, pens, notebooks. Some bugged him asking for autographs which didn’t leave much headspace for the Kamikaze star to focus on his drug problem. Instead, Mathers credits his recovery to his children who’ve helped through his problem. He sees a Rehab Counsellor once a week.


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