Netflix’s ‘Insatiable’ faces backlash: More on the fat-shaming controversy! - Celebrity Gossips, Hollywood and Entertainment News!

Netflix’s ‘Insatiable’ faces backlash: More on the fat-shaming controversy!

By : Nive
Aug 11, 2018

Starring Disney girl Debby Ryan as a high schooler who is being bullied for her pounds, “Insatiable’’ is Netflix’s recent black comical show. The teaser itself received a lot of hatred among the viewers claiming the plot to be focusing on fat shaming. Now that the entire episode is out, the petitions to bring the series to a close are piling up so much so that it has crossed 200,000 signatures.

Here is the spoiler alert! If you are looking for a positively themed tale of a teen who fights against her bullies, you gotta be pretty disappointed, says Buzzfeed’s Jenna Guillaume. But the cast and crew have requested the critics to remain patient on the streaming and that it deserves a chance to be watched. Well, we’ll have to wait to see what Netflix decides on this, but as of now, the series is available on the streaming service.


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