Stand-up comedian and SNL star, Leslie Jones was the first to guest host The Daily Show. The search for one of the most coveted news shows has commenced after its anchor comedian Trevor Nova departed in December 2022.
Jones, 55, said she only asked one person for advice on how to show up for the gig. “Just Chris Rock, He told me not to be Trevor [Noah] and not to be Jon Stewart, just be myself. I’m Leslie Jones, so it’s gonna be totally different, at least for me. Just like anything else that’s brought to me, it’s an opportunity to come and do something that I haven’t done before.”
Leslie Jones week-long stint will be followed by other comedians aiming for the same spot: Wanda Sykes, DL Hughley, Chelsea Handler and Sarah Silverman. The show was hosted ny Trevor Noah from 2015 -2022 and previously by its creator, Jon Stewart, who is a comedian, political commentator, and television host.