21 memes that will make you see more memes - Celebrity Gossips, Hollywood and Entertainment News!

21 memes that will make you see more memes

Nov 16, 2020

Memes are infectious, aren’t they? It’s the new sought after form of human expression which conveys the point in the best way possible. No matter how bad of a day you’re having, memes will always light up your face. Don’t feel like hanging out with your friends at the weekend? Good. You can rely on memes to save the day.

Nuff’ said. Here are a few memes that’ll put a smile on your face.

  1. Summer be like

2. I wish

3. Every. Single. Time.

4. Shitty meme sample

5. You mad therapist?

6. The hero of the hour

7. I’ll be there for you (?)

8. Nothing to do in this world anymore

9. Same thing in a different way

10. Motha Natcha’

11. How could you be so much dumb?

12. The scene that we deserved

13. Think again

14. Didn’t see that coming

15. Wordplay is everything

16. The world needs it

17. Right.

18. My life has been a illusion

19. Where can I find this?

20. Only a jerk could have come up with this

21. You can’t unsee this


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