The model and entrepreneur Katie Price has now spoken about her kidnap for the 5th time and shares her horrific experience with ‘SAS: Who Dares Wins.’ The 41 yr old had participated along with Joey Essex, Anthea Turner, and Helen Skeleton, and so on.
But very soon after her initial challenge, she was totally petrified as it was to do a free-falling from a 50-meter cliff.
When she was almost falling she was rescued by the chief instructor Ant Middleton and his men Ollie Ollerton Jason Fox, Mark Billingham, and Jamie Morton. Hence she was eliminated as she could not do even the entry-level challenge.
The mother 5 children shared her heart out on her past tragedies where she had her mom affected with a severe lung condition, one her horse and a dog die, and last but not least her third marital split and shifting her physically challenged son Harvey to a care home.
She said that: “I’m not here for sympathy, I’m just saying, I have been through a lot of s**t and I’m still going through it,’ she told the SAS officers.”
“I don’t even know where to start. My fifth kidnap threat happened two weeks ago. Then my mum being told she was terminally ill last year.”
“Then my horse escaped on my front road and died in my hands. My dog got run over in my driveway.” “Then held at gunpoint in South Africa with my kids. That’s the first time I’ve ever had a proper gun to my head thinking we’re going to die. F***ing horrific.”–LMBNDM_T/
With all these downs she has refined now to be a stronger woman. Adding to this she stated that: “What can I do? It is like when I got told my son was blind what can I do sit in a corner and cry?” she went on. “You can’t, you have to get on with life, you have to deal with it. That is what I do all the time.”
However, she was disappointed that she couldn’t make it in the SAS: Who Dares Wins.”