After the dramatic verdict where Felicity Huffman wept and pleaded guilty in federal court in Boston and then sentenced to two weeks prison, she receives a warning-bell from jail coach. Herald reported that the jail coach and the director of jail time consulting, Michael Frantz advised Felicity Huffman to expect discomfort and warned to be cautious while she serves her jail-time.
“She needs to be aware everybody knows she’s coming,” he said. “She has money and fame and some people will be upset,” he added. He also advised her to stay below the radar the entire jail time. “Don’t go into the shower barefoot, but give back any sandals a fellow inmate loans you,” Frantz said. “You don’t want to owe anyone a favor, Don’t talk about yourself. No drama. No screaming. And watch out for guards, too. You have to watch out. Bad things can happen.”
Frantz said Huffman will be strip-searched and undergo medical and psychological exams on her first day before being placed in the general population.
“She’s going to experience a very, very demeaning process,” said Frantz. “But the good news is she’s only in for 14 days.”
“It’s not going to be fun,” he said. “They won’t put her in isolation. They are not going to treat her special. There are no celebrity rooms.”
“Get a bag of Doritos from the commissary. Get someone from the kitchen to liberate some shredded cheese, maybe some olives” and mix it all together, one review stated.
The actress who’s guilty of bribing proctor to cheat on her daughter’s SAT test is now going to FCI Dublin prison in North California and was ordered to surrender before October 25 to start serving her jail time.